A Everythink participa no projecto 'Health from Portugal', uma iniciativa que junta 90 parceiros em busca de inovação para a saúde.
The city with the happiest people in the world! Everythink presents conclusions of the project with University of Porto Fine-Arts School students.
No âmbito do projecto co-financiado pelo Plano de Resilência e Recuperação pela União Europeia, A Everythink irá trabalhar em smart health, dispositivos médicos e estratégias para desenhar novas soluções para o sector da saúde.
Following the project developed by Everythink, comissioned by Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte and the Porto City Council, with a set of challenges to make Porto the city with the happiest people in the world, we launched the challenge to Fine-Arts students, in a partnership with UPTEC, to evolve this set of suggestions. New mentalities open up new realities.
O que fazer quando um grupo de pessoas brilhantes se reúne no Porto para falar sobre o futuro da Humanidade?
The city with the happiest people in the world! Everythink presents conclusions of the project with University of Porto Fine-Arts School students.
As Open Sessions do evento anual da Business and Innovation Network (BIN@), trazem a palco um grupo impressionante de pessoas de todo o mundo para partilhar, evoluir e criar conhecimento e visões para o futuro da Humanidade. Este ano, reuniram-se no Porto e os temas principais foram a Sociedade, a Circularidade e Saúde e Bem-Estar. A Everythink é uma das parceiras do rede e associou-se ao evento promovendo um workshop sob o mote 'Building Blocks for the Future', trabalhando com os convidados no sentido de criar white papers compilando e publicando um repositório de testemunhos para referência futura e construção contínua.
Confere, abaixo, os white papers. (conteúdos em inglês apenas)
Following the project developed by Everythink, comissioned by Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte and the Porto City Council, with a set of challenges to make Porto the city with the happiest people in the world, we launched the challenge to Fine-Arts students, in a partnership with UPTEC, to evolve this set of suggestions. New mentalities open up new realities.
Business & Innovation Network (BIN@) is an international network of academic and industry partners engaged in supporting open innovation and the creation of sustainable forum for sharing good practices and opportunities in innovation. BIN@ promotes a set of activities ranging from brokerage events to softlanding opportunities for startups. BIN@ has currently around 4500 delegates worldwide and so far has held 14 international events in Portugal, UK, Brazil, Romania, Poland and one fully digital event. You can see more about our activities on the official website:
Business & Innovation Network (BIN@) is an international network of academic and industry partners engaged in supporting open innovation and the creation of sustainable forum for sharing good practices and opportunities in innovation. BIN@ promotes a set of activities ranging from brokerage events to softlanding opportunities for startups. BIN@ has currently around 4500 delegates worldwide and so far has held 14 international events in Portugal, UK, Brazil, Romania, Poland and one fully digital event. You can see more about our activities on the official website:
Business & Innovation Network (BIN@) is an international network of academic and industry partners engaged in supporting open innovation and the creation of sustainable forum for sharing good practices and opportunities in innovation. BIN@ promotes a set of activities ranging from brokerage events to softlanding opportunities for startups. BIN@ has currently around 4500 delegates worldwide and so far has held 14 international events in Portugal, UK, Brazil, Romania, Poland and one fully digital event. You can see more about our activities on the official website:
Business & Innovation Network (BIN@) is an international network of academic and industry partners engaged in supporting open innovation and the creation of sustainable forum for sharing good practices and opportunities in innovation. BIN@ promotes a set of activities ranging from brokerage events to softlanding opportunities for startups. BIN@ has currently around 4500 delegates worldwide and so far has held 14 international events in Portugal, UK, Brazil, Romania, Poland and one fully digital event. You can see more about our activities on the official website:
Healthy Ageing
Healthy Ageing
As we eat healthier, medical treatment prolongs life of human beings. Looking back 100 years, people would rarely get older than 50 to 60 years old.
As we eat healthier, medical treatment prolongs life of human beings. Looking back 100 years, people would rarely get older than 50 to 60 years old.
In a century, our genetics did not change much, we are still the same people. What fundamental factors are responsible for a 20 years increase in the life period? Medicine is one of them, obviously. Food is another one, but food is catching up in a bad way. As the number of people living on the planet increases, more food is needed, and chemical substances that normally increase food production also cause damage to human health. This is where the medicine enters. We're seeing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer and Parkinson increasing. With less expression in the past, once we live longer, they got relevant and some of them are caused by what we ingest during our life period.
In a century, our genetics did not change much, we are still the same people. What fundamental factors are responsible for a 20 years increase in the life period? Medicine is one of them, obviously. Food is another one, but food is catching up in a bad way. As the number of people living on the planet increases, more food is needed, and chemical substances that normally increase food production also cause damage to human health. This is where the medicine enters. We're seeing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer and Parkinson increasing. With less expression in the past, once we live longer, they got relevant and some of them are caused by what we ingest during our life period.
In a century, our genetics did not change much, we are still the same people. What fundamental factors are responsible for a 20 years increase in the life period? Medicine is one of them, obviously. Food is another one, but food is catching up in a bad way. As the number of people living on the planet increases, more food is needed, and chemical substances that normally increase food production also cause damage to human health. This is where the medicine enters. We're seeing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer and Parkinson increasing. With less expression in the past, once we live longer, they got relevant and some of them are caused by what we ingest during our life period.
Human Centric Civilisation
Human Centric Civilisation
The weak signals of the crisis of the Western Civilization can be seen everywhere: decadency, lack of respectful public values, lack of trust, transparency, decomposition of democratic laws.
The weak signals of the crisis of the Western Civilization can be seen everywhere: decadency, lack of respectful public values, lack of trust, transparency, decomposition of democratic laws.
Those are strong indicators that it is time to regenerate, reinvent ourselves or become a part of history as yet another civilisation that got lost and fell. (…) Out of that, infused by the collective consciousness and the concept of “knowledge as universal good”, the model of Ecocivilisation was born: 5 entities (beings, communities, consciousness, land and relationships), as the core of a new societal framework.
Transformative Economy
Transformative Economy
The new Regulation for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure is a true milestone for the European Commission's Green Deal. (…)
The new Regulation for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure is a true milestone for the European Commission's Green Deal. (…)
The European Union needs to remain competitive on a global market, not least when looking at all elements of the electric charging eco system. Within this context the importance.
The European Union needs to remain competitive on a global market, not least when looking at all elements of the electric charging eco system. Within this context the importance.
Translating Systems Thinking into Public Health Innovations
Translating Systems Thinking into Public Health Innovations
Public health and healthcare are one of the sectors most resistant to change, very slow at adopting new ways of thinking and doing things. The same set of strategies in public health have been tried for a long time but they’re not making a big dent regarding many of the complex diseases that the world is dealing with.
Public health and healthcare are one of the sectors most resistant to change, very slow at adopting new ways of thinking and doing things. The same set of strategies in public health have been tried for a long time but they’re not making a big dent regarding many of the complex diseases that the world is dealing with.
The academic endeavor to push towards systems change and develop and test innovative strategies is an important part of this work, championing the integration of systems thinking and systems science into public health, and obesity and chronic disease prevention, in particular.
The academic endeavor to push towards systems change and develop and test innovative strategies is an important part of this work, championing the integration of systems thinking and systems science into public health, and obesity and chronic disease prevention, in particular.
to e-Governance
Ecosystem Approach
to e-Governance
How can you turn paper-based processes into a digital ecosystem?
How can you turn paper-based processes into a digital ecosystem?
How can you turn paper-based processes into a digital ecosystem? Estonia is a case study of understanding what are the special factors that work as a pressure cooker, to let things happen, which otherwise would take longer, or which are harder to achieve for the countries, like Germany or even the US.
How can you turn paper-based processes into a digital ecosystem? Estonia is a case study of understanding what are the special factors that work as a pressure cooker, to let things happen, which otherwise would take longer, or which are harder to achieve for the countries, like Germany or even the US.
Human Centered Design for Living and Ageing with Data
Human Centered Design for Living and Ageing with Data
The new Regulation for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure is a true milestone for the European Commission's Green Deal. (…)
The new Regulation for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure is a true milestone for the European Commission's Green Deal. (…)
The European Union needs to remain competitive on a global market, not least when looking at all elements of the electric charging eco system. Within this context the importance.
The European Union needs to remain competitive on a global market, not least when looking at all elements of the electric charging eco system. Within this context the importance.
Circular Change
Circular Change
This is all about change. Starting with the circular triangle.
This is all about change. Starting with the circular triangle.
In this triangle we have circular economy as an economic model, with everything that relates to that, such as the transition of business models. We cannot achieve this new model without circular change , a systemic change in a holistic approach of the whole system. And then there is circular culture , the third very important component, because everything is based on values.
In this triangle we have circular economy as an economic model, with everything that relates to that, such as the transition of business models. We cannot achieve this new model without circular change , a systemic change in a holistic approach of the whole system. And then there is circular culture , the third very important component, because everything is based on values.
Future Proof Present
Future Proof Present
Future Proof
We need new values, new attitudes, new relationships. It's not enough technology, new products, designing for modularity, durability or to the sharing economy, if the society is not willing to take up this new consuming process.
We need new values, new attitudes, new relationships. It's not enough technology, new products, designing for modularity, durability or to the sharing economy, if the society is not willing to take up this new consuming process.
Since we started to learn more about the transition, we came up three new R’s: Reevaluate the production process, Redefine products and service and Rethink values and attitudes, not only remanufacturing, reuse, repair, but it’s the product itself and the production process, about the people, the values, the attitude.
Since we started to learn more about the transition, we came up three new R’s: Reevaluate the production process, Redefine products and service and Rethink values and attitudes, not only remanufacturing, reuse, repair, but it’s the product itself and the production process, about the people, the values, the attitude.
Attract and Retain Talent
Attract and Retain Talent
‘Coopetition’ for international talent.
‘Coopetition’ for international talent.
There is a balance for the cooperation between countries and cities, while they are in competition for the best talent. A good thing in terms of competition is that the models are not always replicable.
There is a balance for the cooperation between countries and cities, while they are in competition for the best talent. A good thing in terms of competition is that the models are not always replicable.
Publicações anteriores
A cidade com as pessoas mais felizes do mundo! Eis as conclusões de mais uma edição do projecto com a Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto.
The city with the happiest people in the world! Everythink presents conclusions of the project with University of Porto Fine-Arts School students.
Na sequência do desafio colocado pela Everythink ao Município do Porto em 2018, em que colocámos na mesa uma série de temas e desafios para fazer do Porto a cidade com as pessoas mais felizes do mundo, mantemos uma colaboração anual com alunos da FBAUP em parceria com o UPTEC, para gerarem ideias e conceitos que contribuam para este desafio. Novas mentalidades abrem novas realidades. Mais info aqui
Following the project developed by Everythink, comissioned by Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte and the Porto City Council, with a set of challenges to make Porto the city with the happiest people in the world, we launched the challenge to Fine-Arts students, in a partnership with UPTEC, to evolve this set of suggestions. New mentalities open up new realities.
COVID-19: um desafio para aprender e evoluir
COVID-19: a challenge to learn and evolve
É unânime que esta é uma situação incontornável e sem precedentes. O que fazer? Ninguém sabe mas estamos todos juntos para fazer o melhor, esperando o melhor, ainda que aceitando que o impacto poderá ser negativo em muitos casos. Na Everythink estamos atentos e a colaborar desde a primeira hora para garantir a segurança dos funcionários, famílias, profissionais de saúde, etc... enfim, das pessoas.
It is unanimous that this is an unprecedented and unavoidable situation. What to do? Nobody knows, but we are all together to do the best, hoping for the best, still believing that some harm can, unfortunately happen. At Everythink we are attentive and collaborating from the first hour to ensure the well-being of employees, family members, health professionals... well, of people. :)
Pode a criatividade e a gestão coexistirem sem que daí resulte um bloqueio à inovação ou trazer uma falha de controlo aos projetos?
Innovation in the Hospital Ecosystem
O contexto de saúde é diverso, abrangente e acima de tudo focado num único ponto: pessoas. Aqui estão alguns contributos onde entendemos onde se deverá prestar mais atenção.
Design como estratégia de pensamento
Design as a Thinking Strategy
Design as a Thinking Strategy
Com o design tão habituado a pensar em tantas direções e intervenientes, desenvolveram-se ferramentas que, hoje, podem ajudar, de forma muito abrangente, a mapear a nossas próprias estratégias de pensamento.
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4200-135 Porto
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4200-135 Porto
+351 220 301 570
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4200-135 Porto
+351 220 301 570
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